那時在3C電腦賣場看到購物網[美國直購] i-Blason 白紅藍三色 Microsfot Surface Pro 4 [Armorbox] 平板 保護殼評價就有一股衝動想要趕快入手。

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Functional, Free-Standing Full Body Protective Case for MicroSoft Surface Pro 4 2016 Release
Rugged, Dual Layer Protective Case with Polycarbonate Hard Shell Exterior and Flexible TPU inner core protecting againsts sudden drops and falls
Compatible with Surface Pro Original Keyboard / Protective front casing [WITHOUT screen protector]
Functional pop out cover compatible with original Surface Pro 4 kickstand allows easy access to your favorite shows, movies, and games while on the go
Precise cut and design allow easy access to all ports, sensors, speakers, cameras and all Apple iPad Pro 2016 features

樂天市場網路購物商城Product Description
i-Blason Armorbox for MicroSoft Surface Pro 4 is the perfect companion for your new tablet. Featuring a slim profile with dual layer armored protection, the i-Blason Armorbox offers full body protection in a slim profile you'll love. Protect your screen from unwanted scratches and accidental falls with included Built in front cover {No Screen Protector]. Super slim, lightweight design gives you the protection you need and the comfort you want without the added bulk. Dotted inner pattern provides excellent shock absorption while the outer profile has the contemporary look and feel you'll want to show off. Take your movies on the go with easy to use Surface Pro Original kickstand feature that allows you to access your favorite shows, movies, and games without missing a beat. Compatible with Surface Pro 4 original keyboard.

Product Information
台灣樂天拍賣市場 ASIN:B01MXEUI24
Item model number:SurfacePro4-Armorbox-White/SurfacePro4-Armorbox-Pink/日本樂天市場SurfacePro4-Armorbox-Blue



購物網[美國直購] i-Blason 白紅藍三色 Microsfot Surface Pro 4 [Armorbox] 平板 保護殼評價

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購物網[美國直購] i-Blason 白紅藍三色 Microsfot Surface Pro 4 [Armorbox] 平板 保護殼評價討論,
購物網[美國直購] i-Blason 白紅藍三色 Microsfot Surface Pro 4 [Armorbox] 平板 保護殼評價比較,


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專業生產脫氧劑、乾燥劑的小嵩無氧化學公司,是國內唯一也是第1家取得美國食品藥物管理局(US FDA)之食品藥物主檔登錄許可(脫氧劑DMF#23236)、(乾燥劑DMF#26790)及清真寺HALAL認證(CertificateNo.TP23701120114)的脫氧劑、乾燥劑生產廠商,為目前國內食品包鮮脫氧、乾燥的最大供應商。

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購物網[美國直購] i-Blason 白紅藍三色 Microsfot Surface Pro 4 [Armorbox] 平板 保護殼評價

    3C 電腦 樂天

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